Bodywork. Movement. Awareness. Breath.

The Beginning…

2011 ended beautifully with the realisation of moving to the long envisioned farm with a little group of passionate women and children. Not to mention our dogs and cats and more ideas and inspiration than we know what to do with but to pace ourselves and allow everything to unfold one thing at the time. To know that what ever we chose to do we are chosing to do because we are called to and out of pleasure and wanting to. I  foresee that we will be working hard but that it will be infused with great joy, most of the time. That we will learn  much and need to research and learn from those  with complementing skills who are willing to share. That we will collaborate with varied and wonderful people. That we will be clumsy and make mistakes that we will have to laugh at and heed the lesson from. That we will need to take deep breaths and practice embodied honest communication, a lot.  The land is so beautiful, ripe with possibilities and full of magic and nurture. It was a sudden move and it is amusing that I at first refused the gift. A curious lesson in allowing the universe to work its ways and not be to hung up on the particularities or the gift may pass you by. Or me as it was. Much came to pass in 2011. So much actually that this year very much starts of with a real almost intimidating sence of a new slate. Landmarks of visions reached makes 2012 a truly fresh canvas from which to create, co-create and elaborate visions to come.  Old ways fell aside and I know not yet of the new but that they will be  very different. I was privileged to have  time the last few weeks of the year to truly savor the gratitude and magnitude of accomplishments and the blessings that came my way.  To honor the richness of old and new relations.

I feel the fierce force of change this new year of the Dragon and 2012 can bring.  The challenge to move forward and simultaneously thoroughly honor and savour the present precious moment.

I wish to take advantage of this ripe time and call in and co-create community centred around truly wholesome and sustainable  living and co-relating to one-another and all there is.  Gently and in stages, honoring every step. How ever humble I want to make a positive contribution to this world and the times we live in and my personal challenge is to step into my power and share the knowledge and the gift that is mine.

New years Blessings.

Here is to stepping into our power!



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