Bodywork. Movement. Awareness. Breath.

Yoga Therapy

Are you aching or in pain? Are you stressed and anxious and in need of self care? Are you exhausted and experiencing burn out. Whether it is physical or mental-emotional; a time out, or a tune in, on the mat will support you in your journey towards optimal health and well-being. Bodywork, movement, stretches and joint mobility combined with inquiry, breath and awareness will help you relax, reconnect, recover and re-energize. Every treatment is tailored to your current needs and fully confidential. “Homework” will inspire self care as you step back to everyday life. Email or Call 250-858-5132 to book your massage in the comfort of your own home. Mobile massages available on Mondays, Wednesday and Friday after 1 pm and on the Weekend. In Greater Victoria, West-shore, Mechosin and the Highlands. If you have any questions do not hesitate to get in touch. .Thai massage is done on a mat on the floor and dressed in comfortable clothing you can move in.

Spring Aletheia Breath Session Series.

                                         Awakening to Self.

This is the first Breath session in the Spring Breath-Session Series. ♥
~Do you feel a yearning to connect deeply to your self so you in turn can connect deeply to others and the world around you?.
~Are you wanting to feel more alive, inspired and energized?
~Have you noticed holding patterns in your body and psyche and are you wanting to explorere, unwind and release these with a gentle and effective method?
~Do you want to free your breath so you can more freely be your full self moment to moment?
~Are you ready to commit to show up for your self and be present, ( gently and honestly), to what arise within you ?

●If you feel the calling, come join us for this series of Breath-sessions this spring.
Commit to all with a pre-payment at discounted rate or come to one or more of the individual sessions

We would love to share this journey with you.


●In this series of Breath-sessions we will be aligning our intent with the Season of Spring and the chakras, as an anchor and guide.
~Each session will include about 30 minutes of movement to warm up and prepare our body and mind for the journey. Ample time will be given to recieve and integrate the experience so we can bring what we learn or unlearn and unwind intoo our lives as a lived experience.
●Note that Sesion nb 5 is a little different. It will be longer and we will have an opportunity to go deeper into exploration of the nooks and crannies of our bodies and psyche and this is the only session that have any prerequisites of some experience (4-5 sessions) in breathwork.

~Small intimate groups allow for lots of hands on and one on one attention.
Read more about Conscious Connected Breath-work below.

●Session one- Friday March 4 at 6.30 pm- Root. We will ground and root deep into our base  and lay the foundation for safe exploration of the deepest stirrings within. Spring has barely just begun but exitement and the rising of energy is evident. What seeds lay within, perhaps still dormant, and what is needing to ground deep and solid for what is to come to be able to come to full expression?

See below for dates and themes of sessions to come.

○There are limited spaces available so please E-MAIL Pernille Lund to secure your spot and with any questions you may have.

We will gather in Lone peeps Studio on 2020 Goverment st. Unit 6.

$ 30,- a session except session 5 that will be $ 40,-
Special offer for 3 participants( first come first serve) If you commit to all sessions you get the seven sessions (at a value of $ 220) for $ 160.
( you basically get two sessions at no cost)

●Save the Dates!

~Session 2- Friday April 1 at 6.30 pmSacrum– Relationships and Emotions, fluidity.
~Session 3- Friday April 15 at 630 pmSolar-plexus– Empowerment and Will, radiance
~Session 4 –Friday April 29 at 6.30Heart– Love and Compassion, sweetness.
~Session 5-Friday May 13 at 630Throat. This will be the extended session . Going deeper. The theme is expression of Self. Healing, creativity and acceptance. We will be powering up as we enter this session and going deeper staying with the breath for longer. More Details to follow uppon registration. A minimum of 4-5 previous session pre requisite.
~Session 6- Friday May 27 at 630 pmThird eye. Vision and intuition, knowing.
~ Session 7- Friday June 10 at 630Crown. Understanding , spirituality, unity.

Come and experience the purifying and opening effect of Conscious Connected Breath in a safe and sacred space.

This 3 hour session will include 30 minutes of movement to warm up and provide a full breath-work session and introduce you to the technique and its philosophical/theoretical foundation.

Breath-work is an opportunity to engage the incredibly clarifying power of your primary life force, breath.

♡Aletheia = “This the state of not being hidden; the state of being evident.” Through your own breath and willingness, you reveal your Self – a revealing that can have profound impact on your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well being.

Small group setting to allow for plenty of one on one facilitation.

Sacred and Safe Space, Confidentiality, Bodywork , Toning, Evocative music and other techniques may be used to facilitate exploration, release and opening.

● Breathwork can:
• Give you more energy.
• Help detoxify, restore, balance and oxygenate the cells.
• Resolve repressed emotions allowing the release of negativity/overwhelm
• Accelerate spiritual growth through expanded awareness.

No experience needed.

 ●Please know that this particular type of work may prompt deep exploration of one’s acquired life stresses and traumas – and lead to their integration and resolution. The resulting emotional processing can be strong for some people and is best engaged with a sense of humble respect.
Recent surgery, high blood pressure and some other illnesses are contraindicated. Please inquire if unsure.

○There are limited spaces available so please E-MAIL Pernille Lund to secure your spot and with any questions you may have.

$ 30,- a session except session 5 that will be $ 40,-
Special offer for 3 participants( first come forst serve) If you commit to all sessions you get the seven sessions (at a value of $ 220) for $ 160.
( you basically get two sessions at no cost)

One on one Sessions also offered if a group setting is not calling you.
Please inquire.

I look forward to hearing from you


December Aletheia Breath Session.

We are gathering again once before the darkest night this year to breathe together.
Lets explore what lies in our deepest inner heart waiting to be felt and experienced so that we can show up more freely as who we really are in each moment.

Dec 11 at 6.30 to 930pm

This 2 and a half to 3 hour sessions will provide a full breath-work session and introduce you to the technique and its philosophical/theoretical foundation. Breath-work is an opportunity to engage the incredibly clarifying power of your primary life force, breath.
The small group to allow for a safe intimate space and one on one attention.

The sessions will be held in Lone Peep’s studio on 2020 Douglas st. unit 6. ( just around the corner from Discovery coffee on Discovery st)

Aletheia = “the state of not being hidden; the state of being evident.” Through your own breath and willingness, you reveal your Self – a revealing that can have profound impact on your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well being.


Breathwork can:
• Give you more energy.
• Help detoxify, restore, balance and oxygenate the cells.
• Resolve repressed emotions allowing the release of negativity/
• Accelerate spiritual growth through expanded awareness.

Please know that this particular type of work may prompt deep exploration of one’s acquired life stresses and traumas – and lead to their integration and resolution. The resulting emotional processing can be strong for some people and is best engaged with a sense of humble respect.
One on one Sessions also offered if a group setting is not calling you. Please incuire.

Investment . $ 30
Limited spaces available.
To reserve your spot please email Pernille Lund at

Self love and self care is an revolutionary act.

I actually think our number one task in this life is to learn just this.

To learn to love nurture and connect to our core self.

Really loving our selves its truly a revolutionary act that will ripple far and wide . When we act from any other place than from this self caring and loving place all we do will be somewhat confused and misguided and inauthentic. Actions may look to be the same but energetically the “umpfh” is different. You know it. Every one else know it. Even when is accepted as normal.

So make this commitment!

Take full responsibility for your self and choose to learn how to nurture, love and connect to that core self that is you. This soo unique magnificent beautiful expression of life that you are.

What do you love?

What is it that deeply nourish your soul and reminds you of who you are. What connects you to knowing how you are really doing, what you are feeling right now? What stands in your way? What beliefs? What connects you to spirit? What people and animals in your life support this? What activities are you yearning to do? What places brings you home? What attitude? What kind of movement? What kind of Breath? What sounds, what music?

What are your yes’s?

What are your no’s?

Do you not know. Seek seek and seek . Be curious. Be gentle. Try things on. Do something different if what you are doing does not feed you on this level.

If you do know. Do This! Chose to do this. If even just a little every day. A little every day will create momentous change over time. Trust this. Feel this. What do you have to loose from trying this? Feed, nourish, replenish and love who you are.

Never stop doing this.

If you forget. Simply return. Do not judge. Explore . Inquire . Reconnect.

This is  something you can do! This is something we can all do.

Where ever we are . What ever we do.

Whatever our life looks like right now.

Learn to Love and care for your self as if your life depends on it.

 Because it does!

Love !

breathe o

This could be a good time!


Today is new moon.

A time to rest and rejuvenate and dive deep within to clarifie where to direct our energies in the month and months to come. As summer has reached its peak and is heading towards its end we are harvesting the bounty of seeds planted perhaps long ago. Now we celebrate and have much to share while also our attention may start to turn inwards for a check in . A taking stock. How will I proceed.  What works for me and not least what does not work for me. What need to be laid to rest. How will I nourish myself through the  time to come. Here are some inspiring words for this coming time  of transition and change from summers frivolous energies to the practical scheduled and perhaps busy fall, back to school schedule.  Our culture pays little attention to the cycle of nature that calls us to go inward and to slow down as the year vanes but I invite you to perhaps consider… How to invite time for reflection and creativity and  nourishment for body and soul and not least non doing as part of your life through out fall and winter. Perhaps if we are smart we can use some of this summer energy and new-moon in Virgo to plan , tidy and organize our lives so that come the darker days we have time to reflect and slumber and delve in the realms of our soul.

New moon blessings to you all.

“You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour, now you must go back and tell the people that this is the Hour.  And there are things to be considered . . .

Where are you living?
What are you doing?
 What are your relationships?
Are you in right relation?
Where is your water?
Know your garden.
It is time to speak your Truth.
Create your community.
Be good to each other.
And do not look outside yourself for the leader.”

Then he clasped his hands together, smiled, and said, “This could be a good time!”

    “There is a river flowing now very fast.  It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid.  They will try to hold on to the shore.   They will feel they are torn apart and will suffer greatly. 

    “Know the river has its destination.  The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above water.   And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate.  At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, Least of all ourselves.  For the moment that we do,  our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt. 

    “The time for the lone wolf is over.  Gather yourselves!  Banish the word struggle from you attitude and your vocabulary.  All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration. 

    “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.”

— attributed to an unnamed Hopi elder

Hopi Nation

Oraibi, Arizona

Being with what is

Full range of emotion…hmmm yes that’s what I committed to. Hmmmm. I remember now.
Soo much beauty. Soo much agony. In between….
With what is and that that always is. Yes that’s what I committed to ..and that is what I wish to share. The ability to live like this. Fully alive to what is as is. In this moment. In this breath. Resisting the urge. To shy away when it seems too much to bear. Too much beauty to loose. Too much pain to hold. Being. Being. Being. With what is. In this moment. In this breath. Not always easy. Always alive! To what is.


Highlands studio closing

As of June I will no longer be seeing clients at my Highlands studio.

I Will be at 855  Cormorant st.

Cormorant st Holistic Health Clinic in Victoria on

Monday’s,  Wednesday’s  and Friday’s during the day .

Very limited later afternoon appointments available.


Open House at Cormorant St Holistic Health Clinic. Feb 13th.

You are invited. Bring a friend.
Our little Community of practitioners is growing.
Come on in and find out who we are and what we do and see our little and sweet space.
Have a treat and a tea.
Get some power nurture with a mini treatment or a tarot reading
Peruse offers and locally crafted goodies and find a gift for a loved one or perhaps yourself.

Mini treatments throughout the day by
Nurturing Path | Healing Arts
Colibri Care Healing Arts and more.
Tarot Readings by Jennifer Freeman.
Art Showing.
Arts crafts and treats by local talents.
~soft and warm spun and knitted creations by Robynne.
~ Angel cards by Linda
~ Prints and art by Pernille
….and more

Schedules will come up as they are solidify.

When~ Feb 13 . 11 am -6pm

Were ~ Cormorant st. Holistic Health Clinic. 855 Cormorants st.

Please note that there is two hour free parking on

Mason st. and Balmoral off of Quadra st. a sort walk from the clinic

and one hr parking  just by the clinic on Cormorant st.

If you can bus, bike or walk here.

It is good for you.

 We look forward to seeing you.

November offer.

For the month of November I offer
25% discount on 60 and 90 min treatments

That means
60 min treatment
at $ 60
( regular price $ 80)
90 min treatment
at $ 71.25

( regular price $ 95)

Call or email to book.

Treat and honor your body and being with the care it needs in the colder and darker days ahead
Up to 3 treatments can be purchased
per person
(expiery feb 28)

As an additional Offer

Gift-cards bought this month
Will also be at discounted price

Valid as gifts only.
Max 3 per person

You got to MOVE your body.

Just a short note from me today. I am posting light-hearted link reminding us that some of our habits may not be in our best interest . I admit I saw it on a friends wall on facebook and it put a smile on my face but not least  I know it to be true. I do not suggest you burn all your chairs and squatting is not easy for many of us  but we can start where we are and little by little bring more movement into our tight joints and muscles. The human body is amazing and is made for and thrives with movement. Bring on the movement. Enjoy.