Bodywork. Movement. Awareness. Breath.

Posts tagged “Healing

Karma Yoga-Broom pulling in the Highlands

Postponed to Sunday May 1. Same time Same Place . Please remember to email to confirm attendance!

~Combining mindfulness and action. Meditation with physical honoring of the land we live on. Prayer in doing. Love lived! ♥
~Come connect to nature and your self in community! Come and honor the wild woods that nourish our souls so freely and deeply by giving back to nature by caring for it?

Sunday April 24 2-5pm

1201 Millstream rd.

~Every week I walk in these beautiful woods by my home and end up at sunset on the bluff in Hazlit Creek Park. It is a beautiful wild and varied forest and in spring we see many rare and precious flowers and it is teeming with wildlife. Here and there invasive species budge their way in threatening to take over in place of the variety of the wild flora and fauna.

~Here on the bluffs it is Scotch Broom that, though I and others pull them on our regular walks, persistently grow and grow and grow.

~I love these bluffs with the arbutus, the firs, the pine, the many kinds of rare and wild flowers, oregon grape and nootka rose etc etc etc. Raven. Deer. Hummingbird. And the illusive predators. It really is a sacred place!

~With the love that I feel for the woods I want to honor the native ecology and the land by removing as much as possible of the Scotch Broom. The more we are the easier it will be.
Right now is a perfect time as they are pre-bloom and many of them are small and so relatively easy to pull out by their roots.
I believe that Arbutus will be in bloom at this time too and we will be working enveloped in the sweet honey scent off their flowers.

~We will gather and do a walking meditation form our home up to the Arbutus bluff in Hazlit Creek park. After a meditation on the bluff we will spend some time clearing the bluffs of the invasive scotch broom to begin restoring the area to its natural ecosystem.
~We will end with breaking the silence and a potluck style picnic and tea savoring this little amazing place on earth.
~Bring walking shoes and layered clothing. Water and perhaps a snack. Please bring your own cup for tea. Gardening gloves and if you have, gardening shears, for the big and stubborn plants.
A treat or a finger snack for the picnic if inspired.
A blanket to sit on.

~The walk is fairly easy and no more than 10 minutes but does go up hill and on forest trails. The pulling of the broom is fairly easy as long as one uses two hands and mindfulness of body and posture and/or tools when the plant is too big. Much of the time will be spent in silence to facilitate meditation , mindfulness and connection.
♡ Please email Pernille to let her know you want to attend and so she can give more detailed directions closer to the event
No charge

ps. We will be ending with plenty of time for further hikes or even a climb up Lone Tree Hill for sunset.

Introducing the Holistic Healthcare series.

We are now offering discounts when you purchase multiple treatments.

Have a look.

Commit to and invest in your own health and wellbeing.

Honoring your whole Body and Being .

Breath by Breath

Click on link to see the offer

Also available as gift-certificates.

In search for Peace I had to sit with Grief

I joined Deva Premals and Miten 21 day chanting challenge.

I was fortunate enough to see these guys  when they visited Victoria and it was  such a beautiful and inspiring experience. I love their down to earth and reachable approach to a deep and  spiritual life and how freely they share what the journey of the mantras have given them.

 After a beautiful yoga practice in the sun on the deck surrounded by my dogs and the eager hummingbirds buzzing by the feeder I listened in to their day two of the meditations. Today’s mantra was Om Shanti Om and it is the mantra of Peace that we chanted 108 times.  Beautiful and simple. As we came to an end  I sat there, still, feeling very  quiet. Vibrating with  energy but calm…. a smile tickling my lips …. I felt very present in my body and simultaneously not in my body.  Then I noted a sensation that I almost missed , actually  I did for a little while. A cry welling up . I kind of dodged it ever so subtle. I reached for the bliss the beautiful peace. Then my practice of inquiry awoke and gently curious I turned my awareness to that sensation that I almost decided to re-stuff into my unconscious and merely noted… I feel like crying .

 I could not tell if it was  a cry of the unbearable beauty of this incredible beautiful sense of connection and peace or of the grief of  life lived disconnected from this or something entirely different. I totally surrendered to sit there and  allow the feeling to well up. I just let is emerge  just like that allowing the tears the sounds and the feelings  course through me. Tears streaming. Whimpering . Sobbing. Simultaneously beautiful and painful and  I put judgment and analyzing aside and just allowed the feeling to express itself. After some time it passed. As sudden as it emerged the cry subsided. I now entered an even deeper place of peace and stillness simultaneously one with all within and around me and not at all. Breathing in . Breathing out. Present. Still. Vibrant . Eternal . One of these states that really can not be described with words . I just rested there till that  also passed and I with the breath returned  to this body and this world. I opened my eyes and in gratitude dedicated this  feeling of connection and peace to all beings.

Returning to the mind it made me realize how in our search for bringing what we desire into our world we will undoubtedly encounter precisely that which is in our way of experiencing this. So in searching for  for example Peace any emotion or belief system we have held in our body-mind that stand in our way of experiencing this may arise and have the opportunity to be expressed and released.  It takes courage to let these uncomfortable  emotions arise and it can be easy to miss or dismiss them. Know and trust that if any emotions or belief system arise it is because you are ready and able to deal with what is coming up. This  is a beautiful opportunity to permit something we before  suppressed to be allowed its full expression. In dealing  with these emotions I do not mean taking any action but rather to just allow its arising emergence and sit with and feel the emotion through its full expression.   It can be intense and sounds and movement can be involved. Do you best to stay really present and observe the emotions natural life cycle . It has as all other things a beginning a middle and an end and when it is fully expressed for now it will fade away. On the other side thorough your emotion you may just find that which you came searching for.  So pay attention in your search also to that which seem contrary to what you want to bring into your life. Trust that what comes up for you is your perfect medicine for where you are at right now. If today you do not “get”  there  do not despair or get discouraged . Sitting with  what comes up when it comes up is an act of GREAT courage.

 The journey IS the destination!

By the way I think you can still join Deva Premal and Mitens 21 day mantra meditation challenge. I recommend it if you are curious about chanting and Mantras or if you need some inspiration and encouragement for a daily practice.

Enjoy. Namaste




To be your self.

This little note was posted on an acupuncturist board and as my tense shoulders relaxed I could very much relate.


Sips of tea nourish my Soul

In the midst of our busy lives our daily and ordinary rituals can add richness depth  joy and be an opportunity to connecting deeply to ourselves  and life.

You can  choose to take your time just for this one cup of tea. (or anything that you want for that matter…). For now let go of all should’s  and oughts. Start as you are making the tea. Consciously paying detailed attention to all the sensations. The pot getting heavier as you fill it and put it on the stove. The space of time while the water is heating. The sound of the water coming to a boil. The breaths that come and go.The fluidity of the water as you pour it over  the tea. The scent that arises as the ingredients release into the water and becomes tea. The breath you are breathing while holding the cup. The weight of your footsteps walking over to you chosen place to savor this cup. The heat on your hands .  The texture of the cups shape and the material it is made of. Awareness.  The sensation the flavor and the texture of the liquid. The sensation of ahhh coursing through your body and every cell as you ingest the liquid. Presence. Where are the herbs from . Where is the water from . Herbs of the earth. Water in  the ground. Fire that heats. Air and water mixed as the steam you can inhale and infuse into you own being. All the elements of creation right then and there. All the senses involved.As you mind wanders  merely gently return to the moment here  where you are having a cup of tea. Go deeply into your experience and let it be all that you do.You are here and now. Sipping tea. It is a blessed moment. It is always here available to you. In this moment doing  what you are doing . Simply . With awareness.

By paying detailed attention we have an opportunity in every moment to  find the sacred in the ordinary and everyday life and make the ordinary moments extraordinary.  It makes life feel sooooo rich!


Victoria Location

Just so you know.

I will be in town alternating Sundays as of Nov 11.

1005 Cook st. ( Cook and Rockland)

You got to MOVE your body.

Just a short note from me today. I am posting light-hearted link reminding us that some of our habits may not be in our best interest . I admit I saw it on a friends wall on facebook and it put a smile on my face but not least  I know it to be true. I do not suggest you burn all your chairs and squatting is not easy for many of us  but we can start where we are and little by little bring more movement into our tight joints and muscles. The human body is amazing and is made for and thrives with movement. Bring on the movement. Enjoy.

Ayurvedic Hot Oil Massage

The perfect nourishing and grounding treatment on a cold day. Oil massage is endearingly known in Ayurveda as love treatment. It truly is pure luxury to experience the heated oil penetrate deep into the skin, muscles and organs even ligaments, tendons and bone as your tension, pains and aces gradually melt away and you surrender to a deep deep relaxation where healing can take place. I love Abhyanga.

The past few weeks I have been creating a variety of medicated oils. I have a passion for creating these oils of the best ingredients I can find. High quality oils, herbs from my garden, wild-crafted local medicines and the best spices I can get my hands on.  Careful tending to a few different techniques infusing the medicines in the oil and some time and I have a handful of medicated oils that are great for a wide range of conditions. The oil carry the medicines deep in too the tissues of the body and ad an umpf to the treatment both physically and mental-emotionally.
The Rosemary infused olive oil is clearing, cleansing, pain relieving, slightly warming and stimulate circulation. I have used it with GREAT success for edema. The Ginger infused oil is heating ,pain relieving, in particular for arthritic pains, stimulates digestion and is great when there is excess mucus. Plantain infused oil is relatively cooling, soothing, calming and great for skin that tend to be itchy, red and irritated. It is a good choice when heating oils are not ideal. I also made a beautiful mix of Cloves,Cardamom and Cinnamon of the best quality. I call it my Bliss Chai Mix. It is soothing, warming, pain relieving and totally luxurious. If I need soothing and cooling qualities I use coconut oil and sesame oil is the most sedating of them all working really well for anxiety and stress. We will choose an oil together based on your need and preference and I may use essential oils in place of or with the infused oils to reach desired affect.  If you would like one of these  treatments please let me know as you book your appointment and I will be ready to share the deeply nourishing experience of Ayurvedic Hot Oil massage

Heating and healing ginger- bath. Spice up your life!

A ginger bath is heating , stimulating and detoxifying.

This is for those of you who need and love heat and sweating.

It is considered a sweat therapy and is pretty intense and obviously you need to make sure that you do not over-heat. Stay in touch with how you are and get out of the bath and drink water  and get some air if you feel any discomfort. Do take care though to not get chilled as well.

Always listen to and honor your body.

 It can be a stand in for sauna if we do not have access to one.

It is a great practice on those days when  you got too cold and simply can not get warm, your muscles are tight and overworked, you have sore and achy joints or if you are just about to come down with a cold or a flu.If you do it just as it is coming on you may just be able to flush it right out of your system.  If you like it it is a good practice as a general detox.

For the full Sweat experience do this  before going to bed.

(On a night you do not intend to snuggle as you will be sweaty ; ) ).

Have a clean bed-sheet  a towel and a big glass of room temperature water by the bed ready for when you get out.

Fill the bath with as hot water as you can bear getting into.

Add 1/4 cup dried Ginger or 1-2 cups  of fresh grated ginger tied loosely in a cheese cloth.

Optionally ad 1-2 cups of Epsom salt ( to ad to muscle relaxing, detoxing effect)

Stay in the bath for  min 20 minutes for the Ginger to really take its affect.

It will be hot .

You will possibly start to sweat already in the bath.

When you feel done get out of the bath.

For maximum effect wrap up in the sheet and get  into bed and under the covers.

Here you will continue to sweat for  potentially up to an hour.

Enjoy the thought of  releasing accumulated toxins through the skin. Let it go.

Use towel to dry of excess.

Drink water as you need it.

As you cool of you will likely be all mush and soft and your muscles heavy and relaxed.

When you are done sweating get out of the sheet as you do not want to reabsorb all the toxins released.

Now rest.

Personally I love this every once in a while and in particular this time a year when I am adjusting to the cold and damp.

Enjoy the heat!

Muocus Cleansing Tea.


I have had the habit of drinking this mucous cleansing tea every fall for years.

This year it totally slipped my mind until today while I was getting a cupping treatment.  It is an adapted  recipe from the fantastic book Healing with Whole foods by Paul Pithford. If I was to recommend only one book for nutritional healing this book would be the one … I always return to it as a reference.

The recipe is as follows ;

pr one liter of water simmer

1 tb sp fennel seeds

 1 tb sp fennugeek seeds

1 tb sp flax seeds

1 tb sp liquorish root in pieces

for approximately 30 minutes

Then let water come off simmer and ad 2 tb sp nettle leafs and let steep,( not boiling), with a lid on for 10 min.

Drink at least  one cup daily preferable on empty stomach for 21 days.

The tea will gently clear intestines and lungs of mucus while replacing it with a healthy mucous membrane.

It is an awesome way to prevent fall-winter colds and generally strengthen our immune system( which is so closely related to the health of our digestive system) and can also be taken at other times when a cold is coming on or going around,

I usually make a bigger batch and keep it in mason jars in the fridge.

Cold the tea is a bit jelly like due to the flax seeds so I prefer to drink it while hot just take care not to boil as you heat it in order to preserve the goodness of the nettles.

It may seem like a bit of a production and it is not always easy to bring in a new habit for a longer stretch like 3 week.

Your body will thank you though and it is worth it!

I got the ingredients  today and will be brewing this up in the morning.

For tonight I am sipping a glass of wine in front of the fireplace that I lit for the first time this season .

Happy Fall.


I promise …it wont make you feel like the  Mad Hatter…but I do love this image.

Living off-line

Summer has pulled me deeply into the present. With the children at home, summer activities that will become childhood memories, several personal journeys in circles of women and elders that heal and propel me and everyday life and work as well. The present is full and every moment brilliant and clear.  It amazes me how rich life is and how tired I am every midweek come Wednesday, just ask my children.  How blessed I feel that the brilliance of the moment in this time of my life is from pleasure and joy and a feeling of being on track in the midst of life with all its imperfection. Rather than the acuity of crisis that can create a similar precise awareness of what matters most.  I am well aware what a blessing this is.

In the morning before the heat of the sweltering hot days I have felt the breath of fall in the distance and with that rising of inspiration and aspiration and urges to make art working in the back of my awareness. Though lazy in the heat now an excitement is building for what is to come what is to be created and the comfort of routine that will be and the relief of changing weathers and the purifying rains.

Not yet though … not at all. I still savor every moment of heat, the bounty of harvest and the business it creates in preserving this abundance for cooler scarcer times.  I go along still present to the present in haste taking note to the flashes of inspiration that comes so as to pick it up again when time is ripe for this.

Tills then I will be scarcely present here and I  pray you will forgive me.

May we all be Well

May we all be Happy.

May we all  be Healthy.

May we all be at Peace.

Much light


A thought about sleep.

The theme of sleep has been on my mind lately. What is “normal”, what is “needed” and how to combine these with life as is with its many needs. This article  has been going around on Facebook lately and I found it an interesting informative read and honestly a bit of a relief.

Before having children my sleep pattern was jumbled due to freedom of choise. In my travels I was ever so exited to discover siesta as a norm. In Spain everything  literally shut down the hottest hours of the day, the shutters shut and later the streets and cafe’s are bustling tills late as people break up their needed rest into a few hearty chunks and now have energy these late hours. So much fun.

After having children it was the night feeding that woke me  on a regular basis. Then I have chosen to have night work a few times a week. When the kids at last slept through the night I sometimes had the need to just shake things up and stay up all night in creative pursuits or to gather with friends or to dance. To feed the soul at this soulful time.  Latest it is the 6 puppies that wake me with various needs at least once a night.  Broken night sleep seem to just be part of my life.  Naps are some of the most nurturing times for me and I adore when I am able to give myself this gift of time to quiet down in the middle of the day. Ahhhhh.

I know that  lack of sleep can make me ill, not to mention make me feel crazy. Too much sleep makes me feel sluggish and depressed (but it is a rare “luxury”). That said I realised with the little ones that the expectation of so and so many hours of uninterrupted sleep is the biggest issue for me. Then I resist the awakening  and get agitated and irritated when I am “needed”  at random hours. Argh!!  The irritation only adds to the stress and then I have a hard time falling back to sleep. If I am able to awake with acceptance, assured I will be able to go back to bed I am relaxed and then I actually do fall back to sleep much easier sometimes with the bonus of some great thoughts or realisations that I carry with me into the next sleep ( and if I am really lucky into the next morning) or the privilege of a moment noticing the sky or the scent at a time of the day that I otherwise would not have experienced. Adding to life , making it richer  for me.

I am a very light sleeper and in sharing life and home with other families and animals I get woken up on random times for random reasons all the time .  Obviously am not always thrilled about the interruption but I do my best to use it as an opportunity for awareness practice. To take note more than having a judgement around the awakening .  Sometimes I have to tend to the situation ( my children , my animals, someone checking in, emergencies etc).  Just as  often it is not my responsibility and I can merely notice … footsteps ( human, cat  or dog) , someone flushing the toilet, door opened and then closed, children laughing, child screaming, cat playing with toy, dog  jumping of the sofa, laundry started and so on. I attempt to relax in to taking note and letting it go rather than forming an opinion.

This is  a practice with which I attempt to meet life in general and obviously … I forget,get caught up in judging , opinions, expectations all the time often even without noticing.  Hence it is truly a practice. When I do let go though the reward is  much softening, continued rest and less stress and not to mention toxic moods and an expanding sense of freedom.

Night-time dreams , visions and thoughts tell me much about my self and life that I otherwise may have  missed.

What is you sleeping patterns and your thoughts around it?  Do you sleep enough , too much ? Do you worry about waking up  not able to get back to sleep and then experience just this. Could you se this awaking time as a blessing to tap into in place of a curse to cure? What practices could you do at this extra  time you are given that are beneficial to you. Do you allow your self the freedom to follow your natural impulse of rest when it come upon you? Does your lifestyle permit this? Is your diet ( includinc liquids ) and habits supportive or destructive to you resting patterns? Is there any minor adjustments that can be made if only even in attitude that may bring you closer to your natural resting needs?

I am curious to hear your thoughts …

Sleep as so many aspects of our life is not a one size fits all. We all have individual needs and these change with circumstances and seasons like everything else.  They may go unnoticed if we do not take a moment to reflect.  Can we become friends with sleep and rest and listen to our selves and our bodies and as much as possible take heed to what we hear and see what emerge as we do so.

Could it be that the  power available to us is proportional to our ability to rest and let go?

( I read something along these lines somewhere but can not remember who the quote is from..let me know if you know).

I think it may have some truth to it.

New skills and inspiriation.

I have been wanting to write on the history of Traditional Thai Medicine. Alas History is not my strength . Not that I am not interested.  I find it fascinating on so many levels and it gives great meaning and connection to the practice and the lineage of  medicine and healers. So much gratitude for the knowledge that have been passed down the generations. It is just that I have a hard time eloquently sharing the nitty-gritty details that matter and contrary to my great sense of direction I have a terrible  sense of time and memory of dates and years …in my life and in life at large….

It is simmering, I promise but for now it seem much more exiting that I have added a new skill to my “tool-box”. So without further ado I will share about this before any of the other techniques in Traditional Thai Massage

I took a course with my teacher and mentor Nikkie Manzie this weekend in Cupping and Scraping in the Thai Tradition. I love her!

It was fascinating and fun and today I am energized and inspired after the exchange of treatments we did. The technique is similar to what may be more commonly known from Chinese medicine and that seem to be reappearing in other medical fields today. It is an effective technique with great results when applied correctly.

Scraping is done by  repeated strokes with a scraping tool often made out of bone , wood or stone.  The repeated motion creates circulation and friction that allows for what is potentially held in the layers under the skin to release. Tension, pain, adhesions , toxins accumulated after injuries etc. This can show up a sha  which raise to the surface as red blotches and marks not to be confused with bruising. Contrary to bruising these marks are quick to leave  and actual bruising of areas are not ment to happen. Cold  can also surface and can then be massaged and given the opportunity to disperse and release  giving  freedom of movement and pain.

Cupping is the  technique of applying cups  in wich the air is heated and then  quickly applied to the body.  This creates a suction that will draw out whatever is ready to release through the skin.  The cups will work on a deeper level than the scraping. Toxins and blockages held deep in the body and organs can be accessed released through the skin this way. The cups can be made out of glass, bamboo, horn ,shells and other materials.

It was really interesting to see and feel the effects of the work we did . Different colors and markings arise through the skin and they tell us different things about what is going on in the body, where tension is held and what is held there. Even when not much is seen it is obvious that energy is moved. I experienced  a great relief in my shoulder that has been having a stubborn ace that seem to linger always. I have a lingering little tenderness but all in all I am pain-free and have much more mobility. To me it was extremely calming and relaxing as well.

It was funny to look around and see my classmates with these cups stuck to different areas of their backs. Like some odd science experiment. This practice is nothing like an experiment though as it has been in use for at least 5000 years. It has been widely practiced by professionals and laymen alike  in Asia for thousands of years. The skill was often passed on in the maternal lineage in the families.

I did not leave with big colorful suction marks as some may after this kind of treatment.  I felt lighter,  looser and more limber in my neck and shoulder, had a markedly bigger range of motion and I felt a little spaced out.  After being exhausted last night, today I am energized and inspired. Others in the class experienced great emotional releases and it is clear it is not at all only the physical that is affected and given a chance to heal.

I love that it is a safe and fairly simple technique with few contradictions that I can and will start using right away. I bet my children will find it amusing and interesting and it could become food for some good story telling.

I have a friend who when sharing how their day had been with his son, said that he had been abducted by aliens. His  son was doubtful untill he showed him all the marks on his  back where they did their “experiments”. Both his son and his friends  jaw then dropped and they took him on his word.

It is true the marks can look intense and alien to us. They are not painful though, neither will they stay long. You may be sore as after a real deep massage as the treatment is deep. You may have to explain why you look like you do to those who are unfamiliar with the treatment. You will most likely also share how effective it is in relieving tension and pains that seem hard to relieve in other ways. That said it may not be your treatment of choise the days before your wedding or so.

As of now the biggest downside is that I can’t cup my own back. I will have to find people who are willing to work on me as I am hooked and I want more. Relief of a pain that has been around pretty much chronically is no little feat and I want to continue the release and healing that has begun there. The learning has only just begun.  I can’t wait to share this with anyone who could use this kind of treatment and anyone who may be interested.

Thai-Massage – in brief.

Traditional Thai-Massage share its origin with Yoga and Ayurveda several thousand years back. As a Therapy it has evolved in Thailand for hundreds of years and is an integral part of  Traditional Thai Medicine.

The Massage is done on a mat on the floor with the client fully clothed.  The treatment consists of palming ,stretching and accupressure  along a series of pressure points and energy lines (sen-lines)  so as to give desired effect. Often a series of assisted stretches that are similar to many yoga poses will be part of the treatment. As the stretches are assisted and the client is fully relaxed and passive a much deeper freedom of movement and a deeper level of relaxation and exploration can happen both physically and mentally. Sometimes hot or cool, salt or herbal compresses are used to soothe aching muscles and old or new injuries. The sequence,  the quality of touch and the choice of postures are tailored to most benefit your current need.

The Treatment can be invigorating active and deep if needed or  soothing calming and restorative if that is more appropriate.

A wonderful therapy to open up energy blockages, for pain relief and to restore mental-emotional imbalances.

Thai Massage is suitable for almost anyone and complements most other therapies and health regimes .

I highly recommend seeking out a qualified practitioner close to you. Thai Massage may just become the best thing you ever did for your self.

Please wear comfortable clothes you can move in for the treatment.

The Pulse of Life

This last week I have acutely felt the pull of two seemingly opposing calls.

I have come to recognize them as the yearning of the soul and the yearning of the Spirit.  So different in character. The pull in opposite directions.

The inward creative pull of “let me just finnish that Collage in peace”. Do not interrupt me. Let me dream and let the unconscious roam free to sort itself out. A complete absence of desire to fulfill household or professional obligations , you get the drift….

On the other hand I am restless and stressed and anxious to burst forward in the garden. (In fact I have visions of the garden 5 or 10 years from now.) Burst forward in my professional life. In my personal life. In life in general. Incredibly impatient that I am not moving forward fast enough with the studio so I can start receiving clients. I wanna  travel. Make a difference. Make lots of money. Do more. Be more. Cultivate a strong and vigorous practice to raise my fire and purifie and be clear and vast as the sky.

The Dance of Shiva and Shakti.

Or rather the pulse. I contract. I expand. I exhale.  I inhale.

In true pisces manner I acutely feel the pull in both directions simultaneously.

I need both and the season is such. Light is bursting forth. Flowers push through the ground and blossom. Dogs are in heat. The sun is warm. Hummingbirds dance in mating ecstasy.

Yet it is the earliest blossoms. The warm days take turn with the cold. Soo much is still hibernating and incubating. It is early spring!

In the middle of these pulls of the downward and upward I live Life Manifested.

What practices will nurture and ground me and simultaneously help me rise with the energies and go forth in the world bringing into light that which is what I have to share with the world.

I power nurture when I can . Naps are sacred for me. It is no lie. I love naps and they are one of the most luxurious gift I give and allow myself in this busy life. It is pure self love. Luxurious baths that include face masks. Followed by rich oils and luxurious scents. Permission to sit with emotions and let things percolate before acting or reacting. I rest in nature. I walk slowly. I savour. I Sit

To honor the call of the spirit I Vision. I Dream and Fantasize and feel into what really tick my heart and this is the gage by which i choose direction. I climb high to get a view. I move faster so my breath deepens and joy bursts through my veins.I sing.

I practice yoga curling up into a ball and the stretching  as far as I can. Furling and curling and reaching and stretching. Closing and opening.

Inhaling and exhaling.

I enact the pulse to experience the comfort and acceptance in all the places of this sacred dance.

Or notice the disomfort and play with it.


 Somewhere between the soul and the spirit is life as is, Mateialised. I have the privilige to be here on earth. In this body. Bound somewhat by time and space.

I commit to use the nourishment I draw from the depth of my soul and the clarity and vision I source from my spirit and do always something, every moment that bring into being that which is most me. That which is my gift to the world.

It is so damn intimidating as my visions are vast and bold and simultaneously so very ordinary.

I have no meassure but my own to what is enough or …not.

There are days where it seem I do so little because I am just going about being me doing what needs to be done. There are even days it seem I spend more and more time undoing than doing ( but that is a whole nother story) .

That is just it. Of course it is enough! It is enough to be ourselves to the extent that we are able to be at any given time. If we allow ourselves to delve into the depths of the soul. Explore the visions of the spirit. Commit to doing what we can to work towards bringing this into manifestation. Then we are doing  precisely what we are ment to. What else can we do or be.

So in the midst of this dance of life …where ever we are at. Let us trust that it is all right. That inhale will follow exhale untill it does not anymore. Let us not waste any time or energy trying to be anything we are not. Rest deep into the knowing and allowing that we are enough. Even let go of the notion that we today should be like yesterday or even like just a moment ago. Discovering every moment Who am I.

Inhale. What are my needs. What am I wiling to receive from the world.

Exhale. What can I release. What is my gift to this moment.

Lets journey together into this space of ever unfolding self discovery.

By the mere fact of being we are bringing an expression to the world that otherwise would be lost. At times this will be in an active expression as us Doing in the world. At others it is in the mere Being in the world. One is not more worthy than the other. Only we each will know when it is time for one or the other.  Trust this knowing. Stay close to your selves and take pleasure in this guidance. Be the most yourself you can possible be.


This is your gift

(By the way  I adore the Dance in Guidance)

Lets Dance …if nothing else …lets just Dance.

Nurturing the Introvert

Today this means tidying my closets, bottling the tinctures that are ready, making soup. I am also aiming for a nap before the children get home.  Simultaneously cleaning and clearing physically and mental-emotionally. Creating space and order for the new that is coming into manifestation.  Loud music playing. Windows open. Sage burning.

Let’s see what will unfold from going deep into the little messes I stuffed out of  sight.